Born Straight Into Heaven

Joseph was due last Sunday, February 16, and this coming Saturday will be 6 months since we lost him. He has obviously been on my mind even more lately, so I wanted to share this beautiful poem that Katie, one of my sweet, wonderful sisters, wrote for me when he went to be with Jesus.

Born Straight Into Heaven
God trusted you with a special task
That is not for lesser women.
To carry His angel until it was time
To be born straight into Heaven.
He gave you a burden to bear
But still a gift all the same.
A child to share with Jesus
Who will never know any pain.
He may not have had a physical body
Or lived a life here on earth.
But oh, the stories you'll one day hear
About his Heavenly birth.
Your child will never suffer,
Or even have to grow old.
Instead he'll get to learn to walk
Upon the streets of gold.
Each day he'll play with Jesus,
And hear an awesome bedtime story.
So keep in mind he's happy;
He's growing up in Glory.
Don't ever doubt God hears you,
He sees you when you weep.
But know your child is up in Heaven
And an angel will rock him to sleep.


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