Back to school
Here's a picture of my new astronomy professor:
Not really, but there is a striking similarity.
Today was my first day back in classes after the holidays. I very much enjoyed my first one, which gave me hope for the rest of my classes for the day. My hope didn't last very long, though.
My next class was Astronomy 1020, the second of the consecutive science classes required by any major. I opted out of chemistry, biology, or physics. Nope, give me the easiest one, as I am not planning on determining the biological makeup or elemental composition of anything anytime soon.
Anyway, my professor came as a bit of a shock to me. Not only did I momentarily mistake him for Miracle Max, but when he spoke... holy cow.
First of all, I didn't even know he was speaking. I just heard some kind of gravelly rumbling sound, and as I looked wildly around for the person making the sound (because they were obviously either dying of thirst or about to start foaming at the mouth), I noticed his adam's apple moving. There was also a slight movement in his chin. That was about it.
I tried to listen to what he was actually saying after that. Tried being the operative word. I caught a full sentence here and there, but it was mostly just a word or two every 15-20 seconds:
"mumblemumblesqueroiusdaf;ljadf SOlar system. mumbletyrumblety foperuadfjlasjdf;lajoiuqreqrlk;jadfoiur, rumble, rumble, mumble, LIGHTyear, mumbletyrumblety."
I was baffled. Now, if I had been smart, I would have looked up reviews of his classes on BEFORE I signed up for his class, but I had no such foresight. Instead, just for giggles, I looked him up before my next class started. I will leave you with the words of another poor soul who had him last semester, which very aptly describe how he teaches:
"arhg. breagenl. graaman yarsgs. uh, and mars is zancsits. I'm sorry, did you not understand me? Welcome to astr1010."
I guess I'll be relying wholly on my textbook, because I still have practically no idea what we discussed in class today.